Aarhus University Seal

About Aarhus University School of Engineering

The Aarhus University School of Engineering is an independent unit at Aarhus University, anchored in AU Engineering. With outset in a solid foundation in research-based and development-based knowledge, we educate bachelors of engineering for Danish society within all of the classical engineering disciplines.

Aarhus University School of Engineering offers degree programmes at Aarhus and in Herning.

·  See AU's engineer campuses

Aarhus University School of Engineering also offers an admission course to engineering degree programmes and various supplementary courses.

The engineers of the future

Aarhus University School of Engineering has been accepted in the international elite network for engineering programmes, CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate), and therefore has to meet a number of quality standards for high-quality teaching and strong business focus.

Graduates from the School of Engineering are among the best in Denmark in terms of degree completion time, average grade, graduate unemployment and entrepreneurial skills.

·  Read more about the Bachelor of Engineering degree programmes

Subject areas

Aarhus University School of Engineering has a student population of approx. 3,000 and four strong subject areas: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Mechanical Engineering; Civil and Architectural Engineering; and Electronics and Computer Engineering.

Collaboration with the business community

All development and research activities at Aarhus University School of Engineering take place in close collaboration with companies as well as Danish and international research institutions.  Aarhus University School of Engineering is well known for translating knowledge into new technologies and value-creating solutions in the business community.

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Innovation is an integrated part of activities at Aarhus University School of Engineering. The Aarhus School of Engineering has its own Startup Factory, and student start-ups and entrepreneurship are an important part of our educational culture. The goal is to create value in society in the form of new inventions and knowledge-based companies.

Graduates from Aarhus University School of Engineering have an entrepreneurial frequency of approximately 15, and compared with other engineering graduates, their companies have significantly higher turnover, job creation and exports.

AU Engineering - engineering at Aarhus University

Aarhus University School of Engineering is part of AU Engineering. The engineering field at Aarhus University is anchored in two organisational units: Aarhus University School of Engineering and the Department of Engineering AU Engineering offers the following degree programmes: Bachelor of Engineering, MSc in Engineering (bachelor) and MSc in Engineering (master’s) in all classical engineering disciplines.

·  Read more about AU Engineering